For professionals

For professionals

This page displays a range of documents targeted at health professionals about the health of people with learning disability.
Click on a document below to preview that document in a new window in your web browser or to download a copy. (Note that Word documents cannot be previewed in your web browser. They must be downloaded to be read.)

Name Description

Reading Mencap's GETTING IT RIGHT IN READING tri-fold leaflet, first published in 2017, when it was circulated to all GP practices within Reading, Berkshire.

02.What is a Learning Disabiity-APR21
03.Understanding Autism
04.Making LD friendly GP Practices
05.Diagnostic overshadowing-MAR2018
06.Communication top tips forLD
07.Top10 tips for a good patient consult
09. Sample 1 Health Check invitation
10.Sample 2 Annual Health Check Invitation
11.Pre-Healthcheck Questions form
13.Pain Scale
15.LD AHC Health Action Plan
16. Specialist LD Nurse Primary Healthcare